Kindness is always needed, especially during times like these. There’s a lot going on right now, we all have a lot on our minds, and a little kindness can really go a long way.
There’s a saying: “It doesn’t cost a thing to be kind.” Kindness is free, right? Well, I think it does cost something to be kind. Sure, it usually doesn’t cost money, but it does cost something.
It costs effort. Kindness requires action. You can’t really be passively kind.
It costs time. Sometimes it’s not more than a second but it still costs time. The time to notice someone and do something to show them you care.
Sometimes kindness costs us our pride. To not pursue an argument. To restrain ourselves from letting someone know why we’re right.
So even though being kind doesn’t cost money, it does cost something. And if it did cost money, would you pay?